
A photo marathon is a globally recognized photography competition in which the main task is to creatively portray a variety of subjects within a predetermined time limit. No photo editing is allowed.

As the name suggests, the photo marathon is to some extent an extreme photographic race in which photos must be taken very quickly. As already mentioned, any digital editing is prohibited. In short, the photo must remain as it was taken. This is a great challenge and in the world of retouching and digital editing also a pleasant change.

Another rule of the contest is to shoot the assigned subjects in a set order, which makes things even more difficult for the participants. It’s all about capturing the theme as well as possible, so the photographer is not only working with technique, but also has to figure out how to portray the theme. It is necessary to work in the here and now, with what is „at hand“.

Undoubtedly the most demanding conditions were set by the Dresden Photo Marathon, where only one image was allowed for each theme. No photo could be deleted. If something went wrong, it was not possible to take the subject again.

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